Compress CSS, HTML, Javascript

<div style='background-color: none transparent;'><a href='' title='buy'>here</a></div>

Compressing your JavaScript, CSS, and HTML is a great way of speeding up your website.
  • A smaller file size makes your site load faster for users
  • Your code will be obfuscated making it difficult to copy or plagiarise
  • All unnecessary characters are removed leaving only what is needed to make your code work
How do I use your compressors?

Compress My Code makes compression simple.
  1. Choose your compressor from the menu
  2. Paste your code into the box
  3. Click "Compress" et voilĂ !
There are also options for each compressor so that you can specify your requirements in more detail.

For Compress CSS
=> klik CSS

For Compress Javascript => klik Javascript

For Compress HTML => klik HTML
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