Memory Optimization

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I'm glad I'm here again and I hope you enjoy this new tutor, as you can see this is not a reversing tutor, we are not cracking anything today, as a change we will talk a technical problem regarding .NET applications, If you ever wrote an application using .NET platform then you must have noticed that these applications tend to consume a considerable amount of RAM!

To prove this fact you can simply create a do-nothing application in .NET and just run the application, now go to Windows task manager and find your application and check the amount of RAM taken by your do-nothing Application, usually this type of applications require from 15 to 20 Mb of RAM!, this is not good compared to a Delphi executable which takes about 3 to 5 MB of RAM.

I've recently written a memory manger class for my applications and it you have to do is to create a new instance of MemoryManager class in your main form and it will do the job, It's built on a very simple idea and it takes advantage of the OnIdle event in the .net application, the OnIdle event is raised regularly whenever your application is not busy for a while, the MemoryManager class will dramatically reduce the amount of memory used by your
application by automatically releasing the memory no longer needed, which will free up more RAM for other applications.

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